ISP Meetings in the Home

by Admin | March 8, 2016

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From time to time I run into questions from families and providers about “where” an ISP or planning meeting can be held.  The issue can be confusing because there is a difference between what is desired and what is possible.  Let me elaborate, while it is desired and required for planning meeting to be conducted at the member’s residence, there are a lot of situations that can make this requirement impossible.  As a result, there is an option for planning meetings to be held at “an alternate site.” 

According to the Division of Developmental Disabilities Operations Manual - Chapter 2000 - Support Coordination, 2002 - Planning Meetings, page 15 of 16 - Meeting Location (Reference:  Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Medical Policy Manual (AMPM) Chapter 1620 – E):

In order for the Support Coordinator to assess the living environment to evaluate potential barriers to quality care, all planning meetings must be conducted at the member’s residence. The Support Coordinator may also visit any setting where the member receives services.  If the responsible person requests an alternate site for the planning meeting, the Support Coordinator must document the request and the reason in the progress notes. Planning meetings at an alternate site must be the exception, and shall not be at the convenience of the Support Coordinator or provider. If the planning meeting occurs at an alternate site, the Support Coordinator must visit the member’s residence and the member must be present for the visit.  Both the planning meeting and the visit to the member’s residence must occur prior to the planning meeting due date.

This information is straight out of the Operations Manual.  So, while there is often confusion on this topic, it is clear that there is opportunity for planning meetings to be held at alternate site, but it is the exception and not the rule.

Have additional questions? Contact AAPPD staff at

Gina Judy
AAPPD Secretary 2015-2016



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